lnequalities in technical-professional education in a pandemic. Territory, government and learning from practice
Inequalities; Education governance; Pandemic; Technical and Vocational Education; Practice-based learningAbstract
The crisis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic forced the organization of non-face-to-face educational
alternatives; a situation that in Technical Education affected one of its central axes: learning from practice.
This forced the generation of new strategies to sustain the activities of workshops and professionalizing
practices. This article aims to examine how previous and emerging inequalities, linked to territorial
heterogeneities, to the governance of the system and to the implementation of practices, configured
different scenarios for the deployment of policies and strategies at the level of jurisdictions during the
pandemic crisis. Based on an investigation focused on the testimonies of jurisdictional referents ofTechnical
and Vocational Education and on secondary descriptive data, different regions ofthe country are contrasted.
The article shows the way in which the aforementioned heterogeneities are themselves the conditions of
possibility to face the pandemic crisis and, therefore, the capacity to mitigate or not, its effects on the
continuity of education.
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