Voices of students and teachers: narratives as counter-public spheres in English teacher training courses

  • Claudia De Laurentis Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
  • Luis Porta Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata


english teacher training course, epistemological turn, narratives, voices, identity


English teacher training courses have been generally rooted in a positivist paradigm. Because of an epistemological turn, this paradigm is changing looking for local answers appropriate for the sociopolitical and economic contexts where the prospective teachers are bound to teach. This change implies confronting myths such as the advantages of being a native speaker of the language and creating teachers as transformative intellectuals in their working environments. This paper proposes the use of narratives as a pedagogical tool and at the same time as a methodology of analysis in order to arouse voices of teachers and students searching for that new identity.


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Author Biographies

Claudia De Laurentis, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Profesora en Inglés (UNMDP) – Licenciada en Ciencia Política (UNR). Especialista en Docencia Universitaria (UNMDP). Becaria de Iniciación de la UNMDP. Forma parte del Grupo de Investigaciones en Educación y Estudios Culturales (GIEEC) Facultad de Humanidades/ UNMDP

Luis Porta, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Doctor en Pedagogía. Profesor Titular Regular en la asignatura Problemática Educativa. Director del Grupo de Investigaciones en Educación y Estudios Culturales (UNMDP). Director de la carrera de Especialización en Docencia Universitaria (UNMDP). Docente investigador categoría 1.

How to Cite

De Laurentis, C., & Porta, L. (2014). Voices of students and teachers: narratives as counter-public spheres in English teacher training courses. Praxis Educativa, 18(1), 32–41. Retrieved from https://ojs.unlpam.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/praxis/article/view/886


