Creating democratic education in neoliberal and neoconservative times

  • Michael Apple


democracy, democratic schools, struggles, power, dominance


Can education change society? It is one of the main questions to be asked in neoliberal and neoconservative times in favor of a democratic education. Part of the task of the critical-academic activist is to make public the challenges to the conservative modernization, advocating anti-hegemonic practices by giving his or her own testimony or that of other colleagues, regarding the possibility of taking steps toward building a reconstituted public sphere within the spaces in which we live and work.


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Author Biography

Michael Apple

John Bascom Professor of Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Policy Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Madison and Professor of Educational Policy Studies at the University of Man­chester. Among his recent books are: The Routledge International Handbook of Criti­cal Education (2009), with Wayne Au and Luis Armando Gandin; The Routledge In­ternational Handbook of the Sociology of Education (2010), with Stephen Ball and Luis Armando Gandin; Global Crises, So­cial Justice, and Education (2010); and Can Education Change Society?



How to Cite

Apple, M. (2014). Creating democratic education in neoliberal and neoconservative times. Praxis Educativa, 17(2), 48–55. Retrieved from