The ethical dimension in the passion for teaching. A biographical-narrative perspective in Higher Education

  • Graciela Flores
  • Luis Porta


Didactics, higher education, memorable teachers, passion for teaching, ethics


This article fits within the framework of the Research Project called “Teachers’ Education Program V: Memorable teachers´ biographies. Great Teachers, Intellectual Passions and Professional Development” (2012-2013) carried out by the Educational and Cultural Studies Research Group (GIEEC) at the School of Humanities, in Mar del Plata State University. Within it, and from a biographical-narrative perspective, narrations from teachers who are considered memorable are recovered, in order to identify moral values inherent to the ethical dimension essential to their passion for teaching. In this case, we resort to philosophy, on the one hand, to revise its contributions to the biographical-narrative research area in education and on the other, to make views related to the concept of otherness explicit. In this regard, we are interested in the meaning and sense that memorable teachers place in the idea of otherness in their teaching practices, since this is an ethical concept par excellence.


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Author Biographies

Graciela Flores

Profesora en Filosofía (UNMDP). Becaria de Iniciación de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Forma parte del Proyecto: “Formación del Profesorado V: Biografías de Profesores Memorables. Grandes maestros, pasiones intelectuales y desarrollo profesional” (2012/13) en el marco del Grupo de Investigaciones en Educación y Estudios Culturales (GIEEC) de la mencionada Universidad.

Luis Porta

Doctor en Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación. Profesor Titular regular de la asignatura Problemática Educativa. Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Director del Grupo de Investigaciones en Educación y Estudios Culturales (GIEEC). Docente Investigador categoría I en el Programa de Incentivos a la Investigación.



How to Cite

Flores, G., & Porta, L. (2012). The ethical dimension in the passion for teaching. A biographical-narrative perspective in Higher Education. Praxis Educativa, 16(2), 52–61. Retrieved from