Family changes and the invisible fabric of gender

  • Silvia Baeza


family, gender, future, school


The article offers a brief summary of the history of the concept of family together with the changes that the family system has undergone along times, and especially during the past fifty years. It describes different family patterns of our times, and also establishes a relation between social and family crises, to later introduce reflections about family / families’ future. The article approaches, then, the issue of gender by calling it “the invisible fabric”, providing a conceptualization of feminism and analyzing patriarchal premises and assumptions. On the basis of reflections generated by those assumptions, it opens new possibilities to de-construct and re-construct gender concepts. By the end of the discussion, the connection between gender and school is presented, offering a space for questions and proposals.


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Author Biography

Silvia Baeza

Licenciada en Psicopedagogía de la Facultad de Psicología y Psicopedagogía de la Universidad del Salvador. Profesora Titular de Clínica Psicopedagógica. Facultad de Psicología y Psicopedagogía USAL. Directora de Psicodrama egresada del Instituto JL Moreno. Profesora Titular de Seminarios de Clínica en los Ciclos de Licenciatura para graduados en La Pampa, Bahía Blanca y Posadas



How to Cite

Baeza, S. (2012). Family changes and the invisible fabric of gender. Praxis Educativa, 9(9), 34–42. Retrieved from