Yoga en la Escuela. An experience in the city of Rosario



yoga, education, health, emotions, well-being


Yoga is a comprehensive discipline that promotes states of balance and well-being through a set oflifestyle guidelines and techniques. In view of the extensive research showing the benefits of the inclusionof yoga in educational settings, in 2018 we launched a project entitled “Yoga en la Escuela” (“Yoga at School”) in a secondary school in the city of Rosario, with highly positive results in terms of students’comprehensive learning. The inclusion of weekly classes taught to the first year class and the training ofsome of the teachers in breathing and concentration techniques have had a positive impact on emotionaldevelopment, personal
well-being and academic performance, both as perceived by the studentsthemselves and by their families and teachers.


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Author Biographies

Cecilia Guerra, Universidad del Gran Rosario (UGR) Tecnicatura Universitaria en Yoga y Salud Integral

Psicóloga, docente e investigadora. Profesora de Psicología Integral y Seminario de Trabajo Integrador FInal de la Tecnicatura Universitaria en Yoga y Salud Integral.

María Eugenia Rovetto, Universidad del Gran Rosario

Licenciada en Ciencia Política, Especializada en educación universitaria, Instructora de Yoga, Maestra de Reiki y Directora, docente e investigadora de la Tecnicatura en Yoga y Salud Integral en la Universidad del Gran Rosario.


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How to Cite

Guerra, C., & Rovetto, M. E. (2020). Yoga en la Escuela. An experience in the city of Rosario. Praxis Educativa, 24(2), 1–20.


