Formative effects of the residential and intensive modality of teaching. Second Part

  • Anahi Mastache


formation, intensity, inter¬stitial spaces, formative impacts, condi¬tions of the task


The Post-degree Title in Socio-Institu­tional Analysis and Animation, designed and coordinated by Lic. Lidia Fernandez, intended to form professors from Insti­tutes of Teaching so that they became “ex­tensionists”. The curricular design placed its emphasis on the work in intensive resi-dential laboratories. The “forced co-existence”, the accumulation of intensive working hours throughout the week, as well as the “intensity” of the time shared as a result of the high degree of personal involvement required by the task, allowed for the appearance and analysis of pecu­liar phenomena that produced formative effects of high interest. In the first part, I focused on the formative effects that these phenomena had had on the par­ticipants. In this second part, however, I am going to center the analysis on the im­pact of the same phenomena on the dy-namics of the coordinating team and on the conditions required for the perfor-mance of this task.


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Author Biography

Anahi Mastache

Profesora adjunta de Didáctica de Nivel Medio (FFyL-UBA). Investiga¬dora categoría III. Asesora externa del Proyecto PACENI (Secretaría de Asuntos Académicos-Rectorado-UBA). Asesora externa de la Direc¬ción de Calidad Educativa (FIUBA). Directora de proyectos de investiga¬ción acreditados. Autora de diversos artículos y trabajos, incluyendo el li¬bro Formar personas competentes. Áreas de trabajo: pedagogía de la for-mación, grupos e instituciones educa¬tivas, formación de docentes y forma¬dores. IICE-FFyL-UBA



How to Cite

Mastache, A. (2012). Formative effects of the residential and intensive modality of teaching. Second Part. Praxis Educativa, 15(15), 118–126. Retrieved from