High School Learning

  • Mónica Calvet


training, learning, Activity Theory


This paper reviews the findings of a mas­ter’s thesis directed by Dr. Edith Litwin called “Learning in Alto Valle de Rio Ne­gro and Neuquén High Schools in the opinion of college students from the Uni­versidad National of Comahue”. The stu­dents interviewed studied in high school during from 2000 to 2005. From cog­nitive and constructivist approaches to socio-cognitive learning, we carried out research into the significance of ad­vanced university students’ learning in high school. We focus on narratives re­lated to: What aspects of learning prac­tice in high schools students recover as its constitutive part? What projection value do they assign to acquired learning? We interpreted the significance of the histo­ry of learning practice in High School, the formats of interaction between this practice and teaching practice, the link between learning practice and the institutional environment.


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Author Biography

Mónica Calvet

Profesora a cargo de cátedra Fun­damentos de la Psicología - Área de trabajo investigativo: Didáctica – Co-directora. Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación.



How to Cite

Calvet, M. (2012). High School Learning. Praxis Educativa, 15(15), 31–38. Retrieved from https://ojs.unlpam.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/praxis/article/view/401