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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for contributors in Praxis Educativa

PRAXIS EDUCATIVA is a quarterly publication from of the Institute of Education Sciences for interdisciplinary research (ICEII), Faculty of Human Sciences, National University of La Pampa. It promotes dissemination of interdisciplinary research with the aim to contextualize educational issues addressed to researchers, teachers and students. Submission of articles and research reports are ruled by the following guidelines: 

1. Articles for submission include original and unpublished articles
in Spanish throughout the year, the call is open and permanent. The articles cannot be submitted simultaneously anywhere else. The submission will be at any time of the year. Received articles will not be returned. The number of articles published will correspond to the editorial flow of the journal.

The following types of contributions are accepted:

-Original and unpublished articles or essays, subject to external double-blind evaluation, that are not simultaneously considered in other publications. Extension up to 10,000 (ten thousand) words including notes and bibliography. Similarly, for review articles, research papers, case studies.


-Dossiers: articles that address a common theme related to the objectives and interests of the magazine. It is made up of a title that describes the topic, a presentation that accounts for the topic / problem that will be addressed, and four (4) articles that contribute to its treatment. They must contemplate the same article presentation rules and follow the same evaluation process external double blind.


-Original and unpublished interviews, subject to external double-blind evaluation. Extension up to 5,000 (five thousand) words, including notes and bibliography.


-Original and unpublished critical reviews of books published in the last three years. They receive evaluation by the Editorial Committee. Extension up to three thousand (3,000) words. They must be analytical texts (not a summary) that indicate contributions to the scientific knowledge of the field in which it is registered. They should be headed by the full title of the reviewed book followed by the author / s of the book, publisher, place of publication, year of publication and number of pages. At the end of the review, the author's name and his / her institutional membership will be stated. It is suggested not to include notes, documentary references or bibliography. It is necessary to provide an image of the book cover in .jgp or .tiff format with a minimum resolution of 72 dpi.


2. The contributions will be uploaded, without exception, in online shipping through the Open Journal System en http://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/praxis. They will be recorded in http://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/praxis/user/register. Email inquiries at revistapraxiseducativaiceii@gmail.com 

3. All the articles sent to PRAXIS EDUCATIVA will be revised for
plagiarism by the Crossref service that aims to contribute with the editors of the magazines to determine the originality of the articles they publish. IThenticate software is used to detect coincidences and similarities between the texts under evaluation and those previously published in other sources.

4. After logging in as authors, and before uploading the manuscript and complementary files, the online system will require activating some checkboxes by which the author/s agree on the following terms of copyright and other rules: 

-I declare that the document submitted is of my authorship, original, and unpublished. It has not been submitted simultaneously anywhere else. I am solely responsible for its content and its publication does not imply the journal´s agreement with theses contents.

- If accepted for publication, I authorize its publishing in the journal PRAXIS EDUCATIVA, transfer rights to UNLPam on a non-exclusive basis. Rights protected by the intellectual property laws that govern Argentina. The magazine allows the authors to maintain the patrimonial rights and publication rights without restrictions.

  I declare that data and texts extracted from published documents are duly citated as indicated in the references, at the end of the document.

- I declare that the data and texts taken from published documents are duly referenced in citations highlighted as such and indicated in the references at the end of the document. I declare that I have the permission of the file or repository from where I obtained the documents that are attached to the work.

-All data and texts, figures or tables that have been taken from published documents must be clearly cited in the reference list at the end of the document. I/we declare that I/we hold the license from the archive or repository where documents or illustrations that are appended to the work were obtained.

    - I adhere to the Creative Commons license called "Attribution - Non-Commercial CC BY-NC-SA" "Attribution - Non-Commercial Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA", as access and reuse policy, It allows copying, reproducing, distributing, remixing, retouching and publicly communicating the work in a non-commercial way and generating derivative works, as long as the original author is cited and acknowledged. This license has been in use since September 2018, prior to that they were used in 2016 CC BY NC ND 4.0; years 2017 and 2018 (January -August) CC BY NC 4.0.

    I declare that I do not have any conflict of interest in activities which may influence the judgement about the results of the article.

    - I declare that I know the journal will not charge me any fee under any circumstance (Article Processing Charges - APCs), nor by referencing, style correction or editing tasks and neither will I receive any monetary compensation.

-I declare and acknowledge to accept edition, evaluation and ethics rules specified as Guidelines for authors in the URL http://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/praxis/about/submissions#authorGuidelines

 I declare to have complied with the instructions in ensuring a blind review instructions, since I am submitting to a section of the Journal which involves peer review. I have managed the ORCID Registry (https://orcid.org/register). If I have not done it, I must complete it in the OJS form when entering the article load as author.


5. In Filling in Metadata, you must submit: 

-Personal data of the autor/s: institution, field of work, other data of interest, postal and email address, ORCID identifier register, country, in a maximum of 100 words, regardless of the number of author/s.

-The title of the article, in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

-Three abstracts, one is Spanish, another in Portuguese and another in English, not more than 150 words each, Times New Roman 10, single line spacing. 

-Five (5) keywordin Spanish, Portuguese and English. 

Both the summary and the keywords allow classifying and guiding searches in the information indexing and retrieval systems. For this reason, they must follow standardized forms that ensure the greatest possible understanding in different reading contexts.

The abstract must follow the guidelines UNE 50-103-1990 of the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification, Documentation, available online at various academic centers.

The key words should describe as accurately as possible the following aspects of the article: corpus analyzed, thematic or disciplinary field, methodological perspective, period and territory. They must be selected from specialized thesauri. It is recommended to use any of the following: UNESCO Thesaurus, HASSET (Humanities and Social Science Electronic Thesaurus) and vocabularies of Human Sciences and Social Sciences included in the Semantic Server of the Argentine Center for Scientific and Technological Information (CAICyT)


6. Once received, articles are reviewed by the Director and an Editorial Board. For the acceptance, conditioning or rejection of articles and, excepting those authors who have been invited to contribute, there is an evaluation process that includes:

a. first review: it determines whether the manuscript is suitable for publishing, if it adheres to the standards of presentation rules and meets the general criteria for publication;

b. second review: the articles are subject to external opinion carried out by two reviewers with disclosed identity (double blind review).These reviewers are external to the Publisher and the Editorial Board, and form the International Reviewing Committee. Their assessment is crucial upon decision-making. The evaluators will consider scientific quality, contribution to the specific research area, coherence between initial statement, empirical data, processes of interpretation and argumentation, and conclusions and the adequacy of style and formal aspects set forth in these Guidelines for Praxis Educativa.

c. The reviewers will raise an opinion and decide on one of the following: - It is recommended for publication; -Publication is recommended only if you make some amendments; -Not recommended for publication.

d. In case of discrepancy, the Director may request a review by a third        reviewer The Editorial Committee evaluates the results of the arbitration process and makes the decision it deems appropriate. In all cases, the decisions of the Editorial Committee are final.


The period of time between the reception of the article and the ending of evaluation process ranges from 30 (thirty) to 60 (sixty) days. Time frame between reception and publishing goes from 4 (four) a 5 (five) months depending on the flow of received articles.The rejection rate of the journal was 67 % in 2019.


7. Praxis educativa accepts and promotes the use of inclusive language and free of prejudices respecting scriptures regarding gender, age, disability, racial and ethnic identity, sexual orientation and intersectionality. It is suggested to consult APA Standards chapter Bias-Free Language



8. Articles should be presented in Times New Roman 12 in the text, with margins of 2,54 cm. and paragraph first line indent 1.25 cm. Articles should not include underlying or numbers in subtitles. The hierarchy of the titles must be consigned in accordance with the seventh version of the APA Standards, namely: title of the article, centered, bold; level two, left-aligned, bold; level three, left-aligned, bold and italic; etc



9. Textual quotations of 40 words or less will be placed in quotation marks within the paragraph, with its corresponding reference: "Maybe an absence will always burn over my remains" (Segovia, 2015, p. 11). Those that exceed 40 words will go in a separate paragraph, without quotation marks, with a left indentation of 1.27 cm, double space, with a blank line separating the previous and subsequent paragraphs and their respective reference after the point, namely:

They corrode all the formulas that defined modern, autonomous, self-centered texts, since they turn the idea of a single author's signature on its head, they make other treatments of the referent enter the textual surface, they question the mechanisms of approach and distance with the materials used, problematize the aesthetic values and the instances of reception, their readings and audiences. (Dominguez, 2019, p. 2)

Whatever the case, the citations are not italicized on any occasion, unless it is so in the original.


10. Bibliographic references .

References to a cited text will be made in the body of the text: the author's last name, the abbreviated title of the publication (if two or more works by the same author are cited) and pages cited, if applicable, will be indicated in parentheses. When citing a source without pagination, add "s / p." after the shortened title. For more than three authors, the first author will be used followed by "et al." (Johnson et al. 25-26). The text is consigned in full only in the bibliographic list at the end of the work

Example: Attempts at reform have reflected membership in several different traditions of reform (Zeichner and Liston and Zeichner, 1993, p.30).


11. Notes shall be at the end of the article and before the bibliography, with single spacing and Times New Roman size 10


12. Bibliography should be presented in alphabetical order, Times New Roman size 10, with single spacing and 1cm, French indentation. Examples:

  1. Books

a.1.by 1 author  

Freire, P. (1971). Pedagogía del oprimido. Siglo XXI.

a.2.By 2 or more authors

Giordan, A. y G. De Vecchi. (1998). Los orígenes del saber. Diada  Editores.

a.3. To make the difference between the year of original publication and the edition the autor used, square brackets will be used.

Tannembaum, F. (1972). [1946 edición en inglés]. El negro en las Américas, esclavo y ciudadano. Paidós.

a.4. In electronic version with or without DOI

Freire, P. (2005). La educación en la ciudad. Recuperado de: https://books.google.com...

Montero, M. y Sonn, C. C. (Eds.). (2009). Psychology of Liberation: Theory and applications. DOI: 10.1007/ 978-0-387-85784-8

a.5. Unidentifiedauthor

Nueva enciclopedia del mundo. (1996). Instituto Lexicográfico Durvan.


b. Book chapter

Di Franco, M. G. (2002). La historia de la formación docente a través de los Planes de estudio del profesorado. En Pruzzo, V. La transformación de la formación docente (pp. 33-68). Espacio Editorial.


c. Articles in magazines

Pruzzo, V. (2001). La reforma educativa: el rol de los intelectuales. Revista Praxis          Educativa, 9(9), 7-8.


d. Article on line

Barilá, M. y Amoroso, A. (2017). Prácticas de participación política. Experiencias de socialización de jóvenes en la ‘nocturna’. Praxis Educativa 21(1), 22-34. http://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/praxis/article/view/1626


e. Papers presented in scientific events

Sirvent, M.T. (mayo de 2011). Algunas notas y pasajes de una historia oral de la Educación Popular: nuestra contra el “olvido histórico”. Panel: Historia, Educación y Movimientos Sociales en América Latina. IVº Jornadas sobre Historia y Educación Nuevos aportes a la Investigación Histórica. Debates y perspectivas actuales sobre el ejercicio profesional de la Historia y el Sistema Educativo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Buenos Aires.


f. Papers published in meeting proceedings or other kinds of documets

Pérez, A. (2004). Un estudio exploratorio sobre las políticas públicas en La Pampa en la década de 1930. En XI Jornadas de Investigación de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Santa Rosa, pp. 169-173.



Erbin, B. (2002). Memorias e imágenes de Extensión Universitaria en Isla Maciel (tesis de licenciatura). Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires.


h.Electronic References

Argosy Medical Animation. (2007-2009). Visible body: Discover human anatomy. Argosy Publishing. http://www.visiblebody.com


i. Recovered third-party interviews should be cited in the bibliography according to the source format (website, blog, etc.). To cite interviews carried out personally within the text, the following format must be followed: (M. Gutierrez, personal communication, December 11, 2014), and it is not necessary to include them in the bibliography.


j. Film

Lapajne, J. y Prosenc, A. V. (Prod.) y Bicek, R. (Dir.). (2013). Class Enemy.Triglav Film.


k. TV series

Cortés. E. (director). (2015). Merlí. España: Televisió de Catalunya.


l. Blogs

 Marco Juan, J. A. (2017). More than 14,000 people have participated in INCIBE's school days for the safe use of the internet (blog entry). Recovered from https://psicoenvena.wordpress.com/


13. The sources may be cited by abbreviations, with a clarification when first use is made of them or a referral to a list placed before the bibliography cited, under the title. Example:

National Library, Sala Medina, Manuscripts, volume 102, folio 5, may be shortened: NL, MN, 102, fs 5.


14. The format of quotations, references, etc. should conform to the latest version of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) 

15. The Editorial Board has the right to make the appropriate changes, in compliance with the standards described above and decide on matters not covered by these rules.


16. Queries for contributions, registration and status of shipments exclusively to revistapraxiseducativaiceii@gmail.com 

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Dossiers: artículos que abordan una temática común relacionada con los objetivos e intereses de la revista. Está integrado por un título que describe el tema, una presentación que dé cuenta del tema/problema que se abordará y cuatro (4) artículos que aporten a su tratamiento.Deberán contemplar las mismas normas de presentación de artículos y siguen el mismo proceso de evaluación externa doble ciego.

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Los nombres y direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines declarados por esta revista y no estarán disponibles para ningún otro propósito u otra persona.