Criticism of astrology in the first centuries of Christianity


destiny, providence, astral fatalism, Fathers of the Church, Gnostics


From the origins of the Christian message, astrology was seen as a threat because of the belief in astral fatalism, which threatened not only human freedom but also faith in divine Providence. However, the rejection of the influence of the stars had different nuances both among the Fathers of the Church and in the Gnostic schools. The arguments used against astrol­ogy came, in some cases, from pre-Christian Hellenic philosophy and found their main support in the rejection of cosmic determinism. Christianity added its reticence to the divinatory practices of astrologers. The Gospel episode of the star of the East was the most studied for the elaboration of the oldest Christian diatribes against astrology, among which the Valentinians who are behind the text of the Extracts of Theodotus, reviewed by Clem­ent of Alexandria.


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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Alby, Universidad Nacional del Litoral / Universidad Católica de Misiones / Universidad Católica de Santa Fe

Doctor en Filo­sofía (Universidad Católica de Santa Fe), Licenciado en Filosofía (Universidad Católica de Santa Fe). Es autor de La medicina filosófica del cristianismo antiguo y Tiempo y acontecimiento en la antropo­logía de Ireneo de Lyon. Docente e investigador de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias y de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la UNL. Docente e investigador de la Universidad Católica de las Misiones (UCAMI, Posadas). Investigador por Rectorado de la UCSF y Director de proyectos de investigación sobre los orígenes del cristianismo y la medicina tardo-antigua. Miembro de la Asociación Internacional de Estudios Patrísti­cos (AIEP) y de la Sociedad Inter­nacional de Literatura Bíblica.



How to Cite

Alby, J. C. (2024). Criticism of astrology in the first centuries of Christianity. Circe De clásicos Y Modernos, 28(2). Retrieved from