The Possibility of Choosing and the Commitment to Tradition: Determining Devices of Narrative Modality in the Iliad

  • Betiana Paola Marinoni Universidad de Buenos Aires - Conicet


Iliad, narratology, focalization, reversal passages


This work aims to assess the two main ways displayed through the Iliad for possibly altering the traditional tale: the so called reversal passages and certain persuasive direct discourses. Although at differ-ent narrative levels, both composing devices display an implicit consideration about the range of choices avail-able for the primary narrator, as a singer, as well as for the characters, mortals or gods, as narrative agents. For comparing both devices, we make use of four concepts belonging to narratological theory: focalization, narrative level, type and function.


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How to Cite

Marinoni, B. P. (2018). The Possibility of Choosing and the Commitment to Tradition: Determining Devices of Narrative Modality in the Iliad. Circe De clásicos Y Modernos, 18(2), 95–109. Retrieved from