Female êthos in the inaugural addresses of South America’s first women presidents: Michelle Bachelet, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and Dilma Rousseff

  • María Alejandra Vitale Universidad de Buenos Aires




female êthos, inaugural address, Michelle Bachelet, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Dilma Rousseff


We have analysed the construction of a female êthos in the inaugural speeches of Michelle Bachelet (2006), Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (2007) and Dilma Rousseff (2011). On the one hand, we have noticed that all three speakers appeal to the fact that they are women to legitimate their political leadership but, on the other hand, they show different degrees of confrontation, do not articulate êthos with logos and pathos in the same way, and do not appeal to the same stereotypes about women, making it difficult to speak of a single female êthos.


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Author Biography

María Alejandra Vitale, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Dra. en Letras por la UBA y Posdoctora en Estudios Lingüísticos por la Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Investigadora del Instituto de Lingüística, FFyL, UBA, donde se desempeña como profesora. Dirige y codirige proyectos UBACyT. Preside la Asociación Argentina de Retórica. Ha publicado, entre otros, El estudio de los signos. Peirce y Saussure (EUDEBA) y Nuevas tendencias en Estudios Retóricos (EDULP, en colaboración).



How to Cite

Vitale, M. A. (2014). Female êthos in the inaugural addresses of South America’s first women presidents: Michelle Bachelet, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and Dilma Rousseff. Anclajes , 18(1), 61–82. https://doi.org/10.19137/anclajes-2014-1815