The production of passion in the Enunciatee. About Julio Cortázar’s “No se culpe a nadie” (1956)

  • Danuta Teresa Mozejko Universidad de Córdoba



passion, enunciation, discursive strategies, Julio Cortázar, argentinean narrative


Based on a reading of “No se culpe a nadie” (“Don’t Blame Any-one”) by Cortázar, we have analyzed some strategies used so as to put the passionate dimension into discourse at the enunciation level, taking into con-sideration the relationships between the subjects involved – enunciator and enunciatee – and a particular construction of the utterance as the object. Aspectualization  and  modal  articulations  affecting  the  initial  reading  con-tract, delaying its execution and generating renewed curiosity in the recep-tor’s simulacrum become pertinent in addressing the relationships between the subjects. Meanwhile, the utterance as the object that circulates is fi lled with meanings that increase the valence of the values assigned to it, cause concern, turn curiosity into expectation and establish suspense as delay, per-plexity and admiration before the text-producing agent’s competence.


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How to Cite

Mozejko, D. T. (2020). The production of passion in the Enunciatee. About Julio Cortázar’s “No se culpe a nadie” (1956). Anclajes , 17(2), 47–63.