Forage aptitudes of S2 lines from Zea mays x Zea diploperennis hybrid

  • H. A. Paccapelo Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Facultad de Agronomía
  • L. M. Molas Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Facultad de Agronomía
  • L. Saluzzi Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Facultad de Agronomía


Zea mays, Zea diploperennis, S2 Iines, forage maize,


Nineteen Iines of forage com originated from the crossing among Zea mays x Zea diploperennis in the second year of self-fertilization were evaluated. The analyzed characteristics were: plant height, number of stems per plant ''. number of ears per plant', stem diameter and leaf I stem relationship. Rainfall and temperature conditions were optimum during the com cultivation cycle. It was found difference among Iines in all the evaluated characteristics. Lines 3 and 16 exceeded the average for all the forage attributes. Lines 5 and 15 w1thsimilar aptitud do not overcome leaf/stem relationship. The general combinity aptitude will be able to identify the lines with the upper value of digestible dry matter.


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How to Cite

Paccapelo, H. A., Molas, L. M., & Saluzzi, L. (2020). Forage aptitudes of S2 lines from Zea mays x Zea diploperennis hybrid. Semiárida, 10(2), 59–64. Retrieved from


