Ethical standards - EDITORIAL ETHICS

This document describes the best practice principles that we apply to our journal to ensure good publishing practices. Educational praxis adheres to the Guidelines on good practices for publications of COPE (Committee of PublicationEthics, )

The guidelines we follow are mentioned in the sections below.


Research integrity

These principles encompass: honesty in all aspects of the publication; transparency and open communication; care and respect for all participants in the publishing process. In addition to the general principles above, our journal editorial team provides specific guidelines and policies for authors and ethics appropriate to their subject and discipline.


Editorial process

We are committed to editorial independence and we strive in all cases to avoid this principle being compromised by conflicts of interest.

  It is understood that there is a conflict of interest when there is a divergence between the personal interests of an individual and their responsibilities regarding the scientific activities they carry out, either as authors, reviewers and members of the Editorial Committee, which may influence their critical judgment and the integrity of their actions. They can be personal, commercial, political, academic, financial. Said interests must be declared both in authors/s, researchers/s, evaluators/s, editors/s and reviewers/s. An important action tending to control the IQ is its declaration or recognition, for which Praxis Educativa requests the authors to declare that they have no conflicts of interest in those activities that could introduce bias in the results of the work presented.

Educational Praxis follows the decision tree recommended by COPE in case of suspicion of the existence of an undisclosed conflict of interest in a received manuscript or an already published article (reviewer: -new/conflict-interest;reader:

Proposals submitted to our journal are initially reviewed by internal reviewers, who may also consult relevant external editors or subject matter specialists. If the proposal is suitable for consideration, the proposal, along with the sample content, will be submitted to a minimum of two independent, external reviewers. The evaluations of the peer reviewers are used to inform the editor's decision to recommend or not the publication to the Editorial Board. It is the Management and the Editorial Committee who make the final decision and it is final. Our editors may request additional reviews and further guidance to inform the development of the manuscript.

Faced with complaints and appeals involving the journal and its editorial environment, they must be transmitted to the Editorial Committee, which will determine the steps to follow. A response will be offered within 30 (thirty) days after the claim. In the event that the resolutions are insufficient, the Editorial Board of the UNLPam Magazine (CERAC) will function as the final instance of appeal.


Peer Review

Peer review is essential to maintain quality standards in Educational Praxis and is carried out by recognized researchers and specialists in the subject of each article. We protect the confidentiality of participants in the peer review process, where anonymity is part of the review process for that publication.

In Educational Praxis the articles are reviewed by the Management, Secretariat and the Editorial Committee in order to verify if the manuscript corresponds to the editorial line; if it is a contribution to the specific field in which it is presented; if those who assume the authorship have presented this work in other publication media; if it adheres to the rules of presentation; and if it meets the general publication criteria. Then they recommend at least three national and international evaluators.

For the second review, the papers are submitted to the external refereeing of two anonymous reviewers (double-blind system). In case of discrepancy, management requests a third evaluation. In this way, the confidentiality of the evaluation process is guaranteed.

The Management and the Editorial Committee will decide on the mechanisms to correct, review or withdraw articles after publication in cases that warrant it.


Authorship / Copyright policies

Praxis Educativa accepts the submission of works without any discrimination of authors, with the sole condition that they are original and unpublished and have not been simultaneously presented in any other publication or editorial body. It does not offer any type of monetary compensation, nor does it request any type of fee under any circumstances, be it for refereeing, style correction or editing tasks (Article Processing Charges - APCs). Therefore, it asks all the authors to express their agreement with the following conditions:

  • I state that the submitted manuscript is my own, original and unpublished and has not been simultaneously presented in any other publication or editorial body. Its content is my sole responsibility and its publication does not mean agreement of the magazine with them.


  • If accepted, I authorize the inclusion of the manuscript in the periodical publication PRAXIS educative, I assign and transfer non-exclusive rights to EDULPam. Rights protected by the intellectual property laws that govern Argentina. The journal allows authors to maintain proprietary rights and publication rights without restrictions.


  • I declare that I know that the journal will not charge me any type of fee under any circumstances ((Article Processing Charges - APCs), nor will I receive any type of monetary compensation.



  • I state that I have followed the instructions of Ensuring a blind review since I am submitting to a section of the journal that is reviewed by peers.


  • I have managed the ORCID Registry ( If I have not done it, I must complete it in the OJS form when entering the load of the article as author

Its content is your sole responsibility and its publication does not mean agreement of the magazine with them. The authorship of the person who assumes responsibility for the submission is acknowledged and is registered with OJS.

We integrate with established and emerging industry standards to increase transparency in authorship (for example, persistent flags like ORCID)



Plagiarism is defined as "presenting as one's own work, regardless of intent to mislead, that which is derived in whole or in part from the work of others without due acknowledgment."

Examples of plagiarism include

- copy (using someone else's language and/or ideas as your own), by:

-quoting another person's work verbatim without due acknowledgment of the source;

  -paraphrasing someone else's work by changing some of the words, or the order of the words, without proper acknowledgment of the source;

-using ideas taken from another person without reference to the creator;

-cut and paste from the Internet to create a variety of online sources;

-submitting someone else's work as part of your own without clearly identifying who did the work.

Plagiarism can also arise from collusion with another person that has not been declared or acknowledged.

Educational Praxis adheres to the commitment not to publish any work that has a component of plagiarism, self-plagiarism or fraud. We reserve the right to check all submissions through the appropriate plagiarism checking tools. Submissions that contain suspected plagiarism, in whole or in part, will be rejected. If plagiarism is discovered after publication, the article will be thrown out. The journal reserves the right, depending on the nature and effects of the fraud detected, to take other administrative and jurisdictional measures to better solve the problem.

The National University of La Pampa is a member of Similarity Check, a Crossref service that aims to help journal editors determine the originality of the articles they publish. Similarity Check uses the iThenticate software to detect coincidences and similarities between the texts submitted for evaluation and those previously published in other sources.

Retractions and corrections

Retractions and corrections will be considered by the Editorial Team in accordance with our Retraction Guidelines. If an author is found to have made a mistake, the journal will issue a correction. If Educational Praxis is found to have made an error, an errata will be issued.


Retraction guidelines

Substantive corrections will be made in accordance with the educational Praxis educational retraction guidelines.


Guidelines for taxpayers in Educational Praxis:

Public educational praxis under license 4.0 International CCBY-NC-CA

Educational Praxis allows authors to maintain their economic rights and publication rights without restrictions. Since September 2018, it adheres to the Creative Commons license called "Attribution - Non-Commercial Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA", through which it is allowed to copy, reproduce, distribute, publicly communicate the work and generate derivative works, as long as it is cite and acknowledge the original author (before it did so in 2016 CC BY NC ND 4.0 Licenses; years 2017 and part of 2018 CC BY NC 4.0.).

This CC BY-NC-SA Share Alike license does not, however, allow you to use the work for commercial purposes. It also allows authors to self-archive published articles, in their post-print version, in institutional, thematic repositories, personal web pages or any other pertinent use, with the recognition of having been first published in this journal.

About the data and its reproducibility

This section includes any intentional distortion in the scientific research and writing process that takes the form of biased manipulation, misleading information, falsification, concealment or misrepresentation of data. If such a practice is detected, the article will be immediately withdrawn from the editorial process.

Likewise, the authors must declare when sending their manuscripts, that they have the permission of the archive or repository where the documents attached to the work were obtained.

Record Integrity

We keep track of the existence of everything we post with information (metadata) that describes each post.

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