How do university teachers learn to teach?: a methodological analysis of a qualitative research study.

  • Teresita Rivas
  • Celina Martini


research paradigms, research of education, professional socialization, teachers, referents


In the field of Social Sciences, and particularly in the field of education, it is not simple to approach research models or paradigms because there are frequent discussions raised around this topic in dichotomy terms, sometimes antagonistic. It is possible to meet different stances in relation to the generation of scientific knowledge, that is, in relation to the way of ´producing science,ª which implies thinking of models or paradigms that support the different research logics. The objective of this paper is to characterize the main research models or paradigms in education with the purpose of carrying out a methodological analysis of the Research Project: ´Professional Socialization Referents in Universidad Nacional de RÌo Cuarto teachersª (Argentina). In the first part a characterization of the models or paradigms is developed; in the second part, a synthesis of the mentioned Project is presented, and in the third part both an analysis and justification of the project is carried out.


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Author Biographies

Teresita Rivas

Lic. en Ciencias de la Educación . Especialista en Metodología de la Investigación en Educación. Profesora Asociada efectiva  de "Práctica de la enseñanza"en la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Investigadora Categoriía II.

Celina Martini

Profesora en Psicopedagogía. Psicopedagoga. Esp. en Didáctica UBA. Tesis en estado de avance de la Maestría en Didáctica de la UBA. J. T. P. de la asignatura «Práctica de la Enseñanza» del Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. U.N.R. C. en Formación en Proyectos de Investigación en el área de Formación Docente, aprobados y subsidiados por SECYT . UNRC



How to Cite

Rivas, T., & Martini, C. (2012). How do university teachers learn to teach?: a methodological analysis of a qualitative research study. Praxis Educativa, 9(9), 43–49. Retrieved from