An interpretative analysis between the prescriptive and the represented curriculums

  • María Cristina Sarasa
  • Luis Porta


curriculum, university instructors, representations, EFL teacher education programs


This paper explores how teachers’ representations mediate their interpretation of the prescribed curriculum and their creation of syllabi in the EFL Teacher Education Program in the School of Humanities, Mar del Plata State University, Argentina. Bourdieu’s analytic notion of habitus is employed to interpret these views, derived from actors’ narratives. Data were gathered during semi flexible interviews administered to a selection of four professors. Results suggest that instructors pedagogically translate the prescribed curriculum. Bourdieu’s categories indicate how each professor’s curriculum stems from an objectively obtained lector or auctor habitus. In the pedagogic translation carried out there emerges the domesticated curriculum—or the exercise of symbolic violence. Finally, although this research has a limited number of subjects and is interpretive in character, teachers’ representations nevertheless surface as curricular content. Regarding future applications, theorizing on these problematics would allow for their treatment in peer communities aimed at achieving harmonically diverse curricula



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Author Biographies

María Cristina Sarasa

Profesora de Inglés y Magíster en Docencia Universitaria. Titular de las cátedras de Historia Inglesa y Comunicación Integral. Facultad de Humanidades, UNMDP. Integrante de Proyecto: “La Formación del Profesorado III: (auto) biografías

profesionales de los profesores memorables”. UNMDP

Luis Porta

Doctor en Pedagogía. Director de la Maestría en Docencia Universitaria de la UNMDP. Docente de la Facultad de Humanidades de la UNMDP. Director del Proyecto: “La Formación del Profesorado III: (auto) biografías profesionales de los profesores memorables”. UNMDP



How to Cite

Sarasa, M. C., & Porta, L. (2012). An interpretative analysis between the prescriptive and the represented curriculums. Praxis Educativa, 12(12), 57–65. Retrieved from