Audit culture as disruptive praxis of uni¬versity practices

  • José Yuni
  • María Mónica Catoggio


organisational culture, university, audit culture, organisational change


The purpose of this paper is to present an analysis of the transformations of ac­ademic practices based on an examina­tion of an emergent notion in the field of Higher Education: audit culture. We posit some structuring facets of the tra­ditional organisation of university culture and then we concentrate on the central aspects of what is known as “audit cul­ture”, implemented globally in the last decades. The re-configuration of higher education policies and the means gen­erated from the disruptive rationality of audit culture show a change to a concep­tion of university organisation which is congruent with the pragmatic values of liberal capitalism. At the end of this pa­per we present some of the transforma­tions carried out in university practices due to the implementation of new man­agement issues.


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Author Biographies

José Yuni

Lic. en Ciencias de la Educación (Univ. Católica de Córdoba). Dr. en Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación (Univ. de Granada, España). Miembro de la Carrera de Investigador del CONICET. Profesor Titular Or­dinario de Teoría de la Educación y de Metodología de la Investigación. Director del Proyecto “Cultura Organizacional Universitaria, creencias pedagógicas y subjetividades do­centes”. Director del Doctorado en Ciencias Humanas, Facultad de Hu­manidades UNCa.

María Mónica Catoggio

Lic en Antropología (Univ.Na­cional de La Plata). Especialista en Gestión de la Educación Superior (Univ. Nacional de Catamarca). Ex-Directora de la Escuela de Ar­queología de la UNCa. Profesora Titular de Antropología Cultural y Etnografía. Investigadora y co-di­rectora de proyectos sobre gestión universitaria.



How to Cite

Yuni, J., & Catoggio, M. M. (2012). Audit culture as disruptive praxis of uni¬versity practices. Praxis Educativa, 13(13), 25–33. Retrieved from