Building a place for the student in his/her passage to first year of university life

  • Sandra María Gómez Universidad Naciional de Cordoba. Universidad Catolica de Cordoba


students, university, habitus, schemes, young


This article seeks to share interpretations of the data collected on the characteris­tics of young people entering the first year with the aim of recognizing psychosocial aspects of the same for the purpose of identifying changes that occur during the first year of the course. Interest primarily to account for how the provisions are built up to action of habitus own university, which involve changes in the way to per­ceive, appreciate and act other than their own secondary education level. Work al­lows enabling and constraining recognize aspects in the transition from first year, as well as, issues relating to changes in the shares of a university habitus.


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Author Biography

Sandra María Gómez, Universidad Naciional de Cordoba. Universidad Catolica de Cordoba

Profesora y Licenciada en Cien­cias de la Educación UNC. Espe­cialista en Psicopedagogía y Espe­cialista en Gestión y Asesoramiento pedagógico por la UNC. Trabaja como docente en la Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Ejerce la docencia y la investigación en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Es asesora pedagógica e investigadora en la Universidad Siglo 21. 



How to Cite

Gómez, S. M. (2012). Building a place for the student in his/her passage to first year of university life. Praxis Educativa, 16(1), 63–71. Retrieved from


