Disruptive issues through time: Brief “Ad libitum” genealogy on the margins manifested by schools (Argentina, 1970-2010)

  • José Trainer Universidad Nacional de Rosario




educational issues, borders, new boundaries, school, teaching training.


The aim of this paper is to address some educational issues regarding some school´s transformations that have irrupted into the scholar field on this specially chosen conjuncture from our Recently History. In order to do this, we will be interested in asking which kind of educational problematics have effectively taken place at school and have also operated as a sort of “before and after” starting point for re thinking daily life at school and the teaching training as well.


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Author Biography

José Trainer, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación  por la Universidad Nacional de Rosario
(UNR). Docente e Investigador en la misma Casa de Estudios. Argentina |


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How to Cite

Trainer, J. (2018). Disruptive issues through time: Brief “Ad libitum” genealogy on the margins manifested by schools (Argentina, 1970-2010). Praxis Educativa, 22(2), 112–132. https://doi.org/10.19137/praxiseducativa-2018-220210


