Secondary Education in Chile. Current situation and projections

  • Cecilia Arriagada Universidad de Playa Ancha
  • Daniel A. López Universidad de Playa Ancha Chile


Chile, secondary education, performance-based agreements


This paper describes and analyzes the current status of Secondary Education in Chile. Wide coverage, mediocre performances and social inequity are revealed within a context of tradability and prominence of private institutions. Performance-Based Agreements for the improvement of teacher education at a university level are highlighted as of their novel nature. These instruments put the objectives of each University with those of the State into alignment through negotiated processes within the framework of formal contracts setting “Performances of Excellence”. These represent profound changes in both the outcomes and impacts of the quality of teacher education.



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Author Biographies

Cecilia Arriagada, Universidad de Playa Ancha

Vicerrectora Académica, Universidad de Playa Ancha, Chile 

Daniel A. López, Universidad de Playa Ancha Chile

Vice-Provost for Academic Affairs, Universidad de Playa Ancha Chile



How to Cite

Arriagada, C., & López, D. A. (2015). Secondary Education in Chile. Current situation and projections. Praxis Educativa, 19(2), 13–18. Retrieved from


