PRAXIS EDUCATIVA is a quarterly publication from of the Institute of Education Sciences for interdisciplinary research (ICEII), Faculty of Human Sciences, National University of La Pampa. It promotes dissemination of interdisciplinary research with the aim to contextualize educational issues addressed to researchers, teachers and students. Submission of articles and research reports are ruled by the following guidelines:

Peer review process

Contributions will be evaluated by anonymous referees and the identity of the author(s) will also be kept confidential during the evaluation process.

The management and the Editorial Committee are in charge of verifying compliance with the formal aspects and articulating the different stages of the edition, managing the sending of the articles to evaluators according to the type of manuscript and deciding on the relevance of publication of the materials. received, based on evaluations.

The Management and the Editorial Committee reserve the right to reject or return for correction works that do not meet the requirements. In the internal review, it will be taken into account that it complies with the editorial standards of the journal, relevance to the editorial line of Educational Praxis, that it is a contribution to the field, complete and adequate information, length, appropriate writing, compliance with the style standards.

Each work approved by the Management and the Editorial Committee will be sent for referencing to two external evaluators (double-blind evaluation system).

If both evaluators approve the contents, these materials will be returned by the Secretary to the authors for corrections of form or style in accordance with editorial standards. In case of being approved by one or only one of the evaluators, it will be sent for the consideration of a third party. The Editorial Committee evaluates the results of the arbitration process and makes the decision it deems pertinent. In all cases, the decisions of the Editorial Committee are final.

The reports of the evaluators will be anonymous.

The mere receipt of the writings does not imply their acceptance.

In the External Review, the evaluators will take into account as evaluation criteria: Formal and stylistic aspects of the article; Adaptation of the work to the usual categories of the publication; Coherence between the proposed objectives and their achievement, referential and methodological frameworks, conclusions; Contribution to the specific research area

The evaluators will submit an opinion with one of the following rulings: a) Accept it without substantive changes; b) Accept it conditionally; c) Reject it, but offer the authors the opportunity to re-evaluate it if they review the work; d) Reject it. In all cases they offer criticism and suggestions.

The period between receipt of the article and the completion of the external evaluation process ranges from 30 (thirty) to 60 (sixty) days. The period between receipt and publication is from 4 (four) to 5 (five) months, depending on the flow of articles in the journal.

Publication frequency

Praxis Educativa has published online numbers every four months since 2015. 3 numbers are published per year: no. 1 (January-April) is published on January 10, no. 2 (May-August) is published on May 10, and no. 3 (September-December) is published on September 10.

Open access policy

The journal adheres to the Open Access model in which the contents of scientific publications are available in full text, free of charge on the Internet, therefore, this journal does not charge any value to the authors for the submission, editing, or publication of the manuscript, and in turn undertakes to disseminate the works published in Open Access indexing services. It allows you to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of your articles, on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports greater global knowledge sharing.

The magazine adheres to the Creative Commons Licenses under which it publishes the contents. In 2016 Volume 20 No. 2 and No. 3, CC BY NC ND 4.0 Licenses have been used. In the years 2017 and 2018 Volumes 21 (No. 1, No. and No. 3) and 22 (No. 1 and No. 2) CC BY NC 4.0.

As of September 2018 -Volume 22 Nº 3- and after signing the Declaration of Mexico (Joint Declaration LATINDEX - REDALYC - CLACSO - IBICT), we adhere to CC BY NS SA Share the same.

The opinions contained in the articles are the responsibility of their authors. The magazine authorizes the reproduction of the articles as long as the source is mentioned.


Praxis educativas integra Núcleo Básico CONICET

Directorios y catálogos que incorporan la revista:

-Latindex Catalogo 2.0.
-ERIH Plus
-Clasificación integrada de revistas científicas (CIRC)
-Directory of Open Acess Scholarly Resources (ROAD)
-Miar (Matriz de información para el análisis de revistas)
-Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)
-Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (CLASE)
-Red Latinoamericana de Revistas Académicas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (LatinRev) 

Sistemas de indización:

-Scielo (reevaluada en 2019)

Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico (REDIB) 2019

-Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Bases de Datos y Portales

-EBSCO Fuente Académica
-Journal TOCs
-Latinoamericana 342. Praxis educativa(Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina)
-Red y Bibliotecas virtuales de CLACSO
-Actualidad Iberoamericana
-Harvard Library
-PKP Index

Praxis educativa adhiere a DORA (Declaration on Research Assessment) firmada en San Francisco, California, el 16 de diciembre de 2012, y a la Declaración de México (Declaración Conjunta LATINDEX - REDALYC - CLACSO - IBICT).

Redes y Asociaciones de revistas

Praxis educativa integra desde 2020 la Red Argentina de Revistas Académicas en Educación REDdeRED que se se organizó en 2018 de acuerdo a los siguientes objetivos:

a) Acordar criterios de política editorial comunes a la producción de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, específicos del campo educativo.
b) Contribuir a la definición de políticas nacionales para el desarrollo y sostenimiento de Revistas Académicas en Educación.
c) Sistematizar el estado de situación de las Revistas Académicas especializadas en educación en Argentina.
d) Organizar repositorios comunes o de reenvío de los ya existentes a todas las revistas integrantes de la Red para lograr mayor visibilidad.
e) Confeccionar una base de evaluadores nacionales y extranjeros común con identificación de temáticas.
f) Establecer pautas de trabajo colaborativo y solidario en los procesos factibles de ser compartidos: elaboración de manuales y orientaciones para procesos de edición, de
publicación, prácticas de gestión, así como los diferentes formatos digitales y metalenguajes.
g) Organizar encuentros anuales para el intercambio y debate de temáticas comunes.
h) Gestionar recursos para el financiamiento de los objetivos de la red.
El compromiso a integrar activa y colaborativamente esta red lo sostienen las revistas integrantes:

Itinerarios educativos – UNL
Propuesta educativa – FLACSO
Revista de la Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación –UNC
Revista Latinoamericana de Políticas y Administración de la Educación –UNTREF
Revista de Educación –UNMdP
Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Comparada –SAECE
Espacios en Blanco, Revista de Educación UNICEN
Debate Universitario –UAI
Diálogos Pedagógicos –UCC
Educación, Lenguaje y Sociedad –UNLPam
Revista Argentina de Educación Superior – REDAPES
Reseñas de la Enseñanza de la Historia – APEHUN
Polifonías, Revista del Departamento de Educación – UNLU
Confluencia de saberes. Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. COMAHUE
Cuadernos del Sur –UNS
Revista del Cardo –FCEDU-UNER
Cuadernos de Educación EIFFyH-UNC

Integración y conocimineto -Núcleo de Estudios e Investigación en Educación Superior MERCOSUR –UNC
Praxis educativa -ICEII-FCH-UNLPam

Digital preservation

Educational Praxis safeguards your files through the University's servers as a backup of the Open Journal System (OJS) platform and the PKP Preservation Network. Likewise, preservation is guaranteed by the LOCKSS systems, an open source program developed by the Stanford University Library, and CLOCKSS, whereby each file is constantly validated against other library caches. These tools provide the journal with a permanent and secure archive.

Item Processing Fees

Praxis Educativa does not request any type of Article Processing Fee (no Article Processing Charges - APCs) or for refereeing, style correction or editing tasks (no submission charges). It also does not offer any kind of monetary compensation.

It requires that after logging into the role of author, and before uploading the manuscript and supporting files, the online system will require you to activate checkboxes in the Checklist in order to accept these editorial policies carried forward.


At Educational Praxis we work to strengthen the four criteria that must be met in order to guarantee an accessible website.

1. Perceivable: the information and components of user interfaces must be presented in such a way that they can be perceived by any of the senses. Barriers of this type occur when information is presented exclusively through images, sound, color and size.

2. Operable: the user interface and navigation components must be operable, that is, they must allow access from the keyboard, voice, and other means without time limitations.

3. Understandable: the information and management of the user interfaces must be easily understandable. Unfamiliar words or complex phrases should not be used. Options to prevent or recover from errors and simple and predictable navigation elements should be implemented.

4. Robust: Content must be robust enough to be interpreted by a variety of user agents, including assistive products for people with disabilities. Web pages must be displayed correctly, regardless of the technology used today and in the future.

Article Review Form

Educational Praxis Magazine





Dear Evaluator

We appreciate your suggestions, which will be of great help to both the authors and editors of the publication.

Your comments, or part of them, may be sent to the authors without identifying the source.

Work title:

Date delivered:

Evaluation date:

1. Formal and stylistic aspects of the article:

2. Adaptation of the work to the usual categories of the publication.

3. Coherence between the proposed objectives and their achievement, referential and methodological frameworks, conclusions.

4. Contribution to the specific research area:

5. Recommendation regarding the publication of the work:

     a) Accept it without substantive changes

     b) Accept it conditionally:

     c) Reject it, but offer the authors the opportunity to re-evaluate it if they review the work

     d) Reject it

  6. Criticisms and suggestions (please complete only if you have selected alternatives b or c in point 5)

  7. Reasons for rejection (please complete only if you have selected alternative d in point 5)