Marrying a widow. "El reñidero" and the filmic rewriting of theatrical successes in the new Argentinian cinema

  • Jorge Sala Instituto de Historia del Arte Argentino y Latinoamericano “Luís Ordaz” Universidad de Buenos Aires Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas


René Mugica, Argentine cinema, film analysis, intermediality, performing arts


The article endeavors to analyze the process of transferring the play El reñidero in the Argentinean cinema during the sixties, seeking to establish an analytical methodology different from that implemented by the tradition of local studies on the subject. Based on a comparative review of staging decisions with a view on the role played by the contextual aspect within this process, the case study seeks to distance itself from a perspective focused exclusively on the approach of the connections that films establish with previous dramatic texts. The research aims to dismantle the various significant layers, structured in the manner of a palimpsest, that converge in the film. The essay draws attention to the way in which the notion of cinematographic “author” affects the process of transferring this work to the screen.


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Author Biography

Jorge Sala, Instituto de Historia del Arte Argentino y Latinoamericano “Luís Ordaz” Universidad de Buenos Aires Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas

Doctor en Historia y Teoría de las Artes por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Es co-autor de los dos volúmenes de Una historia del cine político y social en argentina (2009 y 2001, Nueva Librería), del libro Cine y revolución en América Latina. Una perspectiva comparada de las cinematografías de la región (2014, Imago Mundi) y de Argentine Directory of World Cinema (Intellect Books, 2014) entre otros trabajos. Primer Premio en el III Concurso de ensayos cinematográficos “Domingo Di Núbila” organizado por el Festival Internacional de Mar del Plata con el ensayo "Tentativas sobre el actor en el cine moderno argentino (1957-1976)".



How to Cite

Sala, J. (2017). Marrying a widow. "El reñidero" and the filmic rewriting of theatrical successes in the new Argentinian cinema. Anclajes , 21(2), 59–75. Retrieved from