Estatuas de sal: scheme for a tra(d) ición (tradition/betrayal) of women writers

  • María Virginia González Univerisdad Nacional de La Pampa



Cuban Literature, Female Writer, Anthology, Tradition, XX Century


In the late eighties, the production of Cuban women writers began garnering visibility as a result of the work of academic groups, writers and artists. With or without institutional support, these groups organized and planned actions to promote gender consciousness and to establish the public presence of their history and cultural activities. A sign of this change is the 1996 publication of Estatuas de sal. Cuentistas cubanas contemporáneas by Mirta Yáñez and Marilyn Bobes, the first collection of fiction by Cuban women writers. This article analyzes the strategies for selecting and organizing the literary materials of Estatuas de sal. Although the editors of the book do not qualify it as an anthology but rather as “literary panorama”, we observe criteria that help to promote works and writers and introduce voices and textualities that struggle to penetrate mainstream Cuban culture. At the same time, the publication of this book highlighted a group of contemporary women writers and projects the future of narrative written by women. KEYWORDS: Cuban Literature; Female Writer; Anthology; Tradition; XX Century


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Author Biography

María Virginia González, Univerisdad Nacional de La Pampa

Doctora en Letras por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata y Profesora en Letras por la Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, donde ejerce la docencia como Ayudante de Primera en Literatura Latinoamericana I y II de la carrera de Letras. Se  especializa en literatura cubana contemporánea y ha publicado artículos en libros y revistas. Es miembro del Grupo de Estudios Caribeños que dirige la doctora Celina Manzoni en el Instituto de Literatura Hispanoamericana de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Es investigadora del Proyecto “Itinerarios de lecturas y tradiciones literarias en América Latina” dirigido por la doctora  Graciela Salto en la UNLPam.

How to Cite

González, M. V. (2015). Estatuas de sal: scheme for a tra(d) ición (tradition/betrayal) of women writers. Anclajes , 19(2), 24–40.