Cytoprotective effect of Centaurea solstitiulis extracts on gastric lesions induced by stress in rats

  • Ricardo Enrique Toso UNLPam Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias
  • Mario Skliar UNS


Centaurea solstitialis, Flavonoids, Sesquiterpene lactones


Residues aqueous, methanolic and chloroformic extracts of Centaurea solstüialis L. Compositae flowers, commonly known as Abrepuño, were resuspended with an excipient mixture of Tween 80 (T80) and Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and administered through a gastric catheter to female Wistar rats in order to study the citoprotective properties ofthe plant on ulcers caused by stress due to immersion in water. The essay were carried out by administering T80 + CMC to a group of five rats as control. Other four groups, of equal number of animals, were treated with aqueous (a), methanolic (b), methanolic-chloroformic (1:1) (c) and chloroformic residues,a ll of them resuspendedin a mixture of T80 + CMC. Prevention to ulcers in a, c and d groups was 100%, whereas a 78%o was reached in grou b (p0.05). The methanolic and chloroformic extracts, which contain flavonoid and sesquiterpenela ctonesr espectively, would be responsiblef or the citoprotective effects shown by these results.


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Author Biographies

Ricardo Enrique Toso, UNLPam Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias

Formación en Farmacología. Dirige el Centro de Invest. y Desarrollo de Fármacos (CIDEF) de la FCV-UNLPam donde participa en el desarrollo de trab. de invest .Desarrollo protocolos de extracción de compuestos vegetales y ensayos para determinar su bioactividad utilizando mod. in vivo e in vitro

Mario Skliar, UNS

Cátedra de Farmacognosia, Depto. de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia, Universidad  Nacional del Sur, San Juan 670, (8000) Bahía Blanca



How to Cite

Toso, R. E., & Skliar, M. (2017). Cytoprotective effect of Centaurea solstitiulis extracts on gastric lesions induced by stress in rats. Ciencia Veterinaria, 1(1), 9–14. Retrieved from



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