Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- Declaro/Declaramos que el artículo remitido es de mi/nuestra autoría, es original y no ha sido publicado antes en ningún tipo de soporte -papel o electrónico- y no lo será hasta tener una respuesta del Comité Editor. Si se detecta que una versión similar ha sido publicada sin la autorización de la revista, el artículo será dado de baja inmediatamente.
- Declaro/Declaramos que no ha sido enviado simultáneamente a otro ámbito de publicación
- En caso de ser aceptado para su publicación, autorizo/autorizamos su publicación conservando los derechos de autoría y cedo/cedemos y transfiero/transferimos a la revista todos los derechos protegidos por las leyes de propiedad intelectual que rigen en Argentina referidos a la edición para difundir la obra en soporte digital en que se aloja la revista.
- Declaro/Declaramos poseer el permiso del archivo o repositorio donde se obtuvieron los documentos o ilustraciones que se anexan al trabajo, cualquiera sea su formato, permiso que los autoriza a publicarlos y reproducirlos, liberando a la revista y a sus editores de toda responsabilidad o reclamo de terceros.
- Adhiero/Adherimos a la licencia Creative Commons denominada "Atribución - No Comercial - Compartir igual CC BY-NC-SA", mediante la cual el autor permite copiar, reproducir, distribuir o comunicar públicamente la obra y generar obras derivadas, siempre y cuando se cite y reconozca al autor original. No se permite, sin embargo, utilizar la obra con fines comerciales. Los autores podrán establecer acuerdos adicionales para la distribución no exclusiva de la versión de la obra publicada en la revista (por ejemplo, situarla en un repositorio institucional o publicarla en un libro), con la mención de que fue publicada originalmente en la revista Quinto Sol.
- La revista no me/nos cobrará ningún tipo de tasa bajo ningún concepto, ya sea por referato, corrección de estilo o tareas de edición, ni recibiré/recibiremos ningún tipo de compensación monetaria.
- Declaro/Declaramos conocer y aceptar las normas de evaluación especificadas en la página web https://sociohistoricos.files.wordpress.com/2019/08/normas-para-autores-vigentes-2019.pdf
- Declaro/Declaramos que el artículo remitido se ajusta a las normas de edición que se encuentran detalladas en la página de la revista, en Normas para autores
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Research Papers / Artículos
In this section, the journal includes original and unpublished articles as a result of research, or significant essays for the historiographic and social science fields. All contributions to this section are subject to internal and external evaluation (under the double-blind peer review mechanism), and must be unpublished and not have been submitted simultaneously to other journals. Maximum length of papers: 10,000 words including notes and bibliography.
Debates, Essays and Communications / Debates, Ensayos y Comunicaciones
This section includes original and unpublished contributions that do not necessarily meet the condition of being works based on primary sources or historiographic essays. Debates, essays, communications or interviews will be considered; its content will be evaluated by the Editorial Board.
We strongly recommend potential authors to communicate previously to revistaquintosol@unlpam.edu.ar to request details on extension, formal characteristics, and thematic relevance, among other aspects.
Thematic clusters / Dossiers
Original and unpublished articles are published as a result of research, or significant essays for the historiographic and social science fields, all within a common theme, related to the objectives and interests of the journal. All contributions to this section are subject to internal and external evaluation (under the double-blind peer review mechanism), and must be unpublished and not have been simultaneously submitted to other journals. Maximum length of papers: 10,000 words, including notes and bibliography.
To send dossiers, a prior proposal must be approved by the Editorial Board. Please contact revistaquintosol@humanas.unlpam.edu.ar to obtain more details on the editorial process of the dossiers.
Book Reviews (Reseñas)
This section features original and unpublished reviews of books published in the last two years. They are evaluated by the Editorial Board and should not be under simultaneous consideration in another publication. Length: up to 2,000 words.
IMPORTANT: The review is not simply a summary of the work but its critical review. For this reason, in addition to reviewing the main aspects addressed, the text should contain references to the location of the book in the historiographic context, a critical analysis that highlights the relevant aspects and points out the shortcomings - if any - and a weighting of its contributions to the respective field of knowledge.
Copyright Notice
When submitting their contributions, authors must declare that they have the permission of the file or repository where the documents that are attached to the work were obtained, whatever their format (unpublished manuscripts, images, audiovisual files, etc.). Such permission authorizes their publication and reproduction, releasing the journal and its editors from any liability or claim from third parties.
Likewise, authors must adhere to the Creative Commons license called "Attribution - Non-Commercial CC BY-NC-SA", through which the author allows copying, reproducing, distributing, publicly communicating the work and generating derivative works, as long as the original author is properly quoted and acknowledged. It is not allowed, however, to use the work for commercial purposes. Authors may establish additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the paper published in the journal (for example, placing it in an institutional repository or publishing it in a book), with the acknowledgment of having been published first in this journal.
The publication of content in this journal does not imply any royalty or charge for taxpayers.
Quinto Sol adheres to the DORA (Declaration on Research Assessment) signed in San Francisco, California, on December 16, 2012, and to the Declaration of Mexico (Joint Declaration LATINDEX - REDALYC - CLACSO - IBICT).
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or other person.