Community planters as agroecological tools for food sovereignty



production agroecologícal, peri-urban, environment, community planter


Horticultural greenbelts are an important source of local food for cities. Villa María and Villa Nueva are production centers  that, in addition to conventional production, have agroecological productions. The construction of a community planter, within an agroecological horticultural establishment, provides a space for articulation and knowledge that contributes to the social fabric. The extension project allowed university students and residents of the town of Villa María to make visible the activities that are carried out in local food productions, understanding the importance and scope of the participatory actions carried out within the framework of the same.


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Author Biographies

Leticia Ana Guzmán, Instituto Académico Pedagógico de Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas, Universidad Nacional de Villa María

PhD in Geological Sciences, Engineer in Ecology. Director of the Center for Environmental Land Management Studies at the Pedagogical Academic Institute of Basic and Applied Sciences of the National University of Villa María. Professor in the Degree in Environment and Renewable Energies. Teacher of Natural Environments and Ecotourism in the Higher Technical Degree in Tourism Guide of the Instituto del Rosario. Researcher in the Peri-Urban and Territorial Planning group. Coordinator of the peri-urban group of the Community Integration program financed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the province of Córdoba, Argentina (2020-2021 and 2022-2023).

Leonardo Castoldi, Instituto Académico Pedagógico de Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas, Universidad Nacional de Villa María

Ingeniero agrónomo egresado de la Universidad Nacional de Villa María, de Argentina. Consejero del Centro de Estudios de Ordenamiento Ambiental del Territorio del Instituto Académico Pedagógico de Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas, de la Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Productor local agroecológico, integrante del programa Integración con la comunidad (2020-2021 y 2023).


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Guzmán, L. A., Mizdraje, D., Castoldi, L. y Becker, A. (2020). Conceptualización del periurbano villamariense y las actividades agrícolas presentes. Proyección. Estudios geográficos yde ordenamiento territorial, 14(27), 80-100.

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How to Cite

Guzmán, L. A., & Castoldi, L. (2024). Community planters as agroecological tools for food sovereignty . Cuadernos De Extensión Universitaria De La UNLPam, 8(1).