The regional network of university volunteers Covid-19 and the PUPLEC Program. University strategies in the face of the crisis



social commitment, socio-sanitary crisis, critical extensión, university extension, university volunteering


The next paper will analyze the actions carried out by the National University of the Center of the Province of Buenos Aires (UNICEN) during the first two years of the Covid-19 pandemic (years 2020 and 2021). This analysis will also provide a glimpse and a general reflection on the impact of the pandemic on university outreach and on how universities played a leading role in the fight against the health, social and economic crisis it generated.


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Author Biography

Franco Brutti, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

Franco Brutti. is Lic. In Cs. Policies (UBA), for 10 years I have been working in the Secretari of Extension of the UNICEN, going through the different stages, from the first steps of the institutionalization and hierarchization of the extension to the present with the regulation of the socio-education practice (PSE) and permanent platforms Extension (Territorial Extension Points). He is coordinator of the Regional Center for University Extension (CREXU) and Editor of the Masquedós Scientific Journal. Member of the CLACSO Group “Critical Extension: theories and practices in Latin America and the Caribbean”.


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How to Cite

Brutti, F. . (2022). The regional network of university volunteers Covid-19 and the PUPLEC Program. University strategies in the face of the crisis. Cuadernos De Extensión Universitaria De La UNLPam, 6(2), pp. 81–98.