Os contos de Belazarte of Mário de Andrade: a reading in key nacionalist

  • Roxana Inés Calvo Universidad Nacional de La Plata




Mário de Andrade, Modernism, Brazilian literature, Vanguard, Popular Culture


We intend to analyze the representations of the "other" in Mário de Andrade´s Os contos of Belazarte (1934). We wonder who the "other" in these texts is, how the author discusses the "social other," how far he places himself from the nineteenth-century conceptions of the "other," to what extent he reformulates previous lineages, and what place he assigns to otherness in the attempt to establish a national identity. There are two problems to consider in our analysis: firstly, the tension between aesthetics and ideology, manifested in Mário de Andrade´s production of literary criticism in the 20s-30s decade turning point; secondly, the social commitment that the author thematizes in these stories, which also seems to be in tension with the sympathy for popular subjects and certain ideological position that responds to the precepts of a literate and exclusive elite.


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Author Biography

Roxana Inés Calvo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Profesora y Licenciada en Letras por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Actualmente se desempeña como becaria de la UNLP y realiza sus estudios de Doctorado en Letras de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de esa casa de estudios con un plan de tesis sobre la cultura popular y el arte de vanguardia en la obra de Mário de Andrade. Ha publicado varios artículos sobre el tema en la Argentina y en el extranjero.



How to Cite

Calvo, R. I. (2024). Os contos de Belazarte of Mário de Andrade: a reading in key nacionalist. Anclajes , 17(2), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.19137/anclajes-2013-1721