“The logic of print is a logic of places and travel”. Interview with Roger Chartier


Book, Author, History, Literature, Edition


In this brief interview, the French historian Roger Chartier (Lyon, 1945) covers a series of concepts related to three of the major areas to which he has devoted most of his academic work over the last four decades. The first deals with the figure of the author and in it a conceptual arc is authenticated that goes from new technologies applied to literary production and changes in authorial models to a return to the classics. The second axis focuses on the book as a support for texts and is an attempt to cover the different materialities of said object (physical, electronic or audiobook books). The third axis, in this case a single broad question, reflects the relationships between the historiographical and literary sciences, how they intersect, and ways to approach the historicity of texts.


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Author Biography

Gonzalo Arturo Córdoba Saavedra, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

Licenciado en Letras (FFyL, UNCuyo) y diplomado en Gestión Editorial y Proyecto Cultural (CCC-UBA). Actualmente trabaja como editor y corrector en Ediunc y es profesor adscripto en la cátedra Taller de Edición y Corrección de Textos.


Borsuk, Amaranth. El libro expandido. Variaciones, materialidad y experimentos. Traducido por Lucila Cordone. Buenos Aires, Ampersand, 2020.

Chartier, Roger. Lectura y pandemia. Conversaciones. Buenos Aires, Katz, 2021.

Chartier, Roger. Pequeño Chartier ilustrado. Breve diccionario del libro, la lectura y la cultura escrita. Editado por Pedro Araya y Yanko González, Buenos Aires, Ampersand, 2022.

Foucault, Michel. ¿Qué es un autor? Traducido por Silvio Mattoni, Córdoba-Buenos Aires, Ediciones literales-El cuenco de plata, 2010.

White, Hayden. Metahistoria. La imaginación histórica en la Europa del siglo XIX. Traducido por Stella Mastrángelo, México, DF, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1973.



How to Cite

Córdoba Saavedra, G. A. (2023). “The logic of print is a logic of places and travel”. Interview with Roger Chartier . Anclajes , 27(2), 93–99. Retrieved from https://ojs.unlpam.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/anclajes/article/view/7082


