Everyday aesthetics and fiction: weather significance in Pequod by Vitor Ramil

  • Horacio Pérez Henao Universidad de Medellín


Pequod, Vitor Ramil, Brazilian literature, everyday aesthetics, hermeneutics of literature


From the perspectives of everyday aesthetics and hermeneutics, this paper analyzes Pequod (1995), a Vitor Ramil novel set in the Brazilian pampa and conceived around the unique features offered by the experience of cold weather. By analyzing the thoughts and actions of Pequod’s characters, our main goal is to point out how a vital relationship with weather leads to an existential stance, or philosophy of life, aimed at understanding the world.


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Author Biography

Horacio Pérez Henao, Universidad de Medellín

Doctor en Educación y Literatura (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia), Master of Arts por la University of Nebraska- Lincoln (USA). Se licenció en Literatura (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana), Sociología (Universidad de Antioquia) y Comunicación social-periodismo (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana). Es autor de El cuerpo narrado (Sello editorial Universidad de Medellín, 2010) y de artículos académicos publicados en revistas especializadas en literatura, sociología y comunicación. Es docente investigador de la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Medellín. 

How to Cite

Pérez Henao, H. (2016). Everyday aesthetics and fiction: weather significance in Pequod by Vitor Ramil. Anclajes , 20(1), 20–34. Retrieved from https://ojs.unlpam.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/anclajes/article/view/1151