The Delight of Multiplicity: The Rhetoric of Impurity in Tato Laviera's Poetry

  • Alejo López Universidad Nacional de La Plata / CONICET


Literatura, Poesía niuyorriqueña, Tato Laviera, Spanglish, Siglo XX



one of the key elements of the rhetorics of Antiquity was puritas. Puritas consists of grammatical correctness in linguistic expression, it is the locutionary quality which tends to maintain the uncontaminated purity of language. This linguistic phenomenon presents from the end of the twentieth century an untimely normative effort in the context of a postmodern era marked by the uncontrollable flows of persons and languages, a phenomenon that is clearly reflected in all its complexity and its constitutive tensions in the gestation and evolution of hybrid languages such as Spanglish and the subsequent production of marginal literary systems like nuyorican poetry. The nuyorican poetry of authors such as Tato Laviera (1951 -) sets a rhetoric of Spanglish as a language of extraterritoriality and interstitiality, a rhetoric of impurity and delight that becomes a "minor literature" in its Deleuzian sense.

Keywords: Literature; Nuyorican Poetry; Tato Laviera; Spanglish: Twentieth Century



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Author Biography

Alejo López, Universidad Nacional de La Plata / CONICET

Profesor en Letras por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Adscripto a la cátedra de Literatura Latinoamericana II de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la misma universidad. Se desempeña desde el año 2010 como becario doctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Su proyecto de investigación aborda la poesía niuyorriqueña de Tato Laviera a partir de la categoría de extraterritorialidad y su dimensión afro-antillana. 



How to Cite

López, A. (2012). The Delight of Multiplicity: The Rhetoric of Impurity in Tato Laviera’s Poetry. Anclajes , 16(2), 19–37. Retrieved from