Variations of the scientific gaze in the face of animality in Eduardo Holmberg’s fictions

  • Leandro Simari Instituto de Literatura Hispanoamericana, Universidad de Buenos Aires



Eduardo Ladislao Holmberg, Argentine literatura, literary criticism, 19th century, animality


In Dos partidos en lucha (1875), and especially in La bolsa de huesos (1896), Eduardo Holmberg configures fictional narrations in which Darwinian theories and the contemporary debates and dilemmas of science acquire a significant centrality. In both cases, and in addition to an emphatic adherence to Darwinism and a clear apology for the scope of scientific practice, it is possible to detect a problematization of the institutional place of science, its feasible connections with the society and politics, and its role within the state structure. As a correlate, both narrations reveal tensions around and reformulations of one of their central axes, which is also central to the work of Charles Darwin: the modes of thinking, emphasizing or relativizing the link between human life and animal life. The aim of this paper is to address the interaction between these two issues in Holmberg’s fictions, through a contrastive textual analysis that contemplates the cultural context of the period. KEYWORDS: Eduardo Ladislao Holmberg; Argentine literatura; literary criticism; 19th century; animality


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Author Biography

Leandro Simari, Instituto de Literatura Hispanoamericana, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Licenciado en Letras y adscripto de la cátedra de Literatura Argentina I “A” de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Investigador del Instituto de Literatura Hispanoamericana de dicha universidad. Integra el proyecto UBACyT “Lectura, lectores y escritores en Argentina”, dirigido por Graciela Batticuore. Ha publicado artículos en diversas revistas especializadas. Actualmente se encuentra preparando su proyecto de doctorado.



How to Cite

Simari, L. (2015). Variations of the scientific gaze in the face of animality in Eduardo Holmberg’s fictions. Anclajes , 19(2), 48–62.