The recovery of the LGBTIQ+ memory prior to Pride through documentary film: La memoria homosexual as a case study

  • Alfredo Martínez Expósito University of Melbourne



Cultural memory, Documentary film, LGBT community, Pride, Homophobia


The repression of sexual diversity prior to the advent of Pride is the subject of a growing number of documentary films released in the second decade of the 21st century, including Espino Diéguez’s La memoria homosexual (Homosexual Memory) (2019). An analysis of this documentary as a case study reveals that the enunciative strategies of the documentary genre are suitable for the recovery of a queer audiovisual memory capable of rescuing experiences of shame and oppression from perspectives more clearly aligned with Pride. This kind of recovery of historical memory casts a double temporality as the narrative of memorialized experiences is determined by discursive premises that belong to the present historical moment – a time in which a hegemonic democratic memory coexists with the hypernormalization of sexual diversity. 


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Author Biography

Alfredo Martínez Expósito, University of Melbourne



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How to Cite

Martínez Expósito, A. (2024). The recovery of the LGBTIQ+ memory prior to Pride through documentary film: La memoria homosexual as a case study. Anclajes , 28(1), 97–111.