Scope and policy

Anclajes is a scientific journal that publishes original and unpublished articles related to literary and discursive studies. It was founded in 1997 and, since 2016, it has been published exclusively on line. In addition, it publishes critical reviews of books related to the magazine's fields of interest. Its objective is to spread the advances and results of research in the field of literary and discursive studies and is aimed primarily at members of the national and international academic and scientific communities.

Peer review process

All contributions will be evaluated by anonymous referees and the authors’ identity will remain unknown during the evaluation process. The Editorial Board of the journal controls the aspects related to the compliance with the protocols for writing articles and  the content relevance. If the article meets these requirements, the Editorial Board registers the date of receipt of the article and sends it to two peers for external evaluation. If the results of the first review contradict each other, the contribution is sent to a third evaluation for the purpose of confirming, expanding or modifying the previous ones. The Editorial Board evaluates the results of the review process and makes the decision it deems pertinent. In all cases, the decisions of the Editorial Board are final. In the evaluation of the articles, those who act as peers follow the criteria included in the guide provided by the journal: relevance and clarity; knowledge of the secondary bibliography on the subject; knowledge of the primary bibliography; originality; methodology; relevance and justification of the theoretical framework; discursive style. The verdict of peers includes three possibilities: article approved for publication without modifications, article subject to partial modifications for eventual publication, article rejected. The authors will be told about the acceptance or rejection of their manuscripts. Furthermore, anytime the evaluators recommend it, the manuscript will be sent back for suggested modifications within a period of time set by the Editorial Board. When the corrected text is received, the Editorial Board forwards this new version to those who acted as peers at the first opportunity (this date is recorded as "Send with modifications") for the purpose of issuing a new opinion. If the version delivered in this second opportunity is approved, the corresponding "Date of acceptance" is noted and the decision is communicated. The author, notified of this point, must send the acceptance of transfer of rights and make the formal and stylistic modifications required in order to comply with standards of scientific communication. The article will not be considered accepted for publication until each and every one of the aspects indicated for its modification have been reviewed. The period between the receipt of the article and the completion of the peer review process varies between 30 (thirty) and 90 (ninety) days. The term between reception and publication is from 12 (twelve) to 18 (eighteen) months, depending on the flow of articles in the journal.


Anclajes publishes issues online every four months: January-April, May-August and September-December. Between 1997 and 2015, it also published a printed volume on an annual basis.

Open Access Politics

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle that the free circulation of research results promotes a greater exchange of knowledge.


Anclajes is part of the Basic Nucleus of Argentine Scientific Journals (CAICyT/CONICET).

Directories and catalogs that incorporate the journal:




Clasificación integrada de revistas científicas (CIRC)

Directory of Open Acess Scholarly Resources (ROAD)


Miar (Matriz de información para el análisis de revistas)

Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)

Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (CLASE)


Red Latinoamericana de Revistas Académicas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (LatinRev)


Indexing Systems

Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Web of Science (WoS)

Scopus de Elsevier

SJR.SCImago Journal & Country Rank



Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico (REDIB)

International Institute of Organized Research (IIOR)

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)



EBSCO Fuente Académica

PRISMA de ProQuest

MLA Modern Language Assocation Database

International bibliography of periodical literature on the humanities and social sciences (IBZ)

Journal TOCs


Electronic Journals Library (EZB)


PKP Index

BibliografíaLatinoamericana (BIBLAT)

Anclajes adheres to DORA (Declaration on Research Assessment) signed in San Francisco, California, on December 16, 2012, and to the Declaration of Mexico (signed by LATINDEX - REDALYC - CLACSO - IBICT).

Networks and Journal Associations 

The network of cultural and literary journals published in Latin America, Europe, the United States and Canada was organized in 2012 with the coordination of the Revista Chilena de Literatura. It aims to open an academic dialogue that takes the form of exchange, exchange of notices, occasional collaboration with respect to peer reviewers and, also, the possibility of making dossiers or issues together.

Revista de Literatura Chilena

Revista Orbis Tertius


Revista Iberoamericana

Bulletin of Spanish Studies: Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal and Latin America

Cuadernos Americanos

Bulletin of Hispanic Studies

Literatura: teoría, historia y crítica

Perifrasis. Revista de Literatura, Teoría y Crítica

Confluencia. Revista Hispánica de Cultura y Literatura

Hispanic Review

Anales de literatura Hispanoamericana

Universum. Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales

Casa de las Américas

Revista de Literaturas Modernas

Rilce. Filología Hispánica

Revista Caracol

LATINOAMERICANA. Association of Academic Journals in the Humanities and Social Sciences

The LATIN AMERICAN Association was formed in 2014 at the initiative of the Cuadernos de Literatura magazine of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá and, currently, brings together more than five hundred Social Sciences and Humanities journals with the following objectives:

Act as a place of opinion and articulation of criteria on the various issues that academic publication entails, especially in the current panorama of development of electronic media.

Serve as a channel for the exchange of experiences and training in academic and scientific publishing, generating agreements and collaborations with organizations related to these objectives.

Support and become part of any proposal or need for constant opening and open access of content and data derived from academic work and research, especially if it is supported by public resources.

Serve as a space for disseminating news and novelties of the adhered publications, as well as events and initiatives that are considered to be of general interest in the academic community.


Digital Preservation:

Anclajes safeguards its files through the University's servers as a backup of the Open Journal System (OJS) platform and the PKP Preservation Network. Furthermore, preservation is guaranteed by the LOCKSS systems, an open source program developed by the Stanford University Library, and CLOCKSS, whereby each file is constantly validated against other library caches. These tools provide the journal with a permanent and secure archive.

Fees for the processing of articles:

Anclajes does not charge any type of fee to process contributions (no Article Processing Charges-APC’s) or to submit them to evaluation (there are no shipping charges).

Interoperability Protocol:

Anclajes has interoperability protocols: en URL base para el Archivo OAI. 

Review form


Last name and first name of the reviewer: 







  • Pertinence and clarity in the cut of the subject of study  






  • Knowledge of the secondary bibliography on the subject 






  • Knowledge of the primary bibliography 






  • Originality of the work 






  • Methodology used (appropriation and updating) 






  • Relevance, comprehensiveness and justification of the theoretical framework 






  • Discursive style (appropriation, consistency and adaptation at all levels and dimensions of the text) 






  • Specify 1: very good; 2: good; 3: acceptable; 4: poor; 5: bad. 


Accepted  __________________________________________________________   

Refused    __________________________________________________________

Accepted with recommendations _________________________________________


  • Specify the recommendations (the Editorial Board especially values ​​the opinion of those who evaluate and protects the anonymity of their indications; if you wish, you can include them below or integrate them as comments in the body of the document)


  • Once the document has been reviewed, I must read it again to evaluate possible acceptance.
  • Once the document has been reviewed, it may be accepted directly by the Editorial Board. 


Facultad de Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad Nacional de La Pampa