Kinematic aspects of the criollo argentino horse at trot

  • Edgardo Verna Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias ( fallecido)
  • Santiago Andres Audisio National University of La Pampa. Faculty of Veterinary Sciences
  • Pablo Guillermo Vaquero Fa
  • Liliana Rossetto National University of La Pampa. Faculty of Veterinary Sciences
  • Valeria Arriagada National University of La Pampa. Faculty of Veterinary Sciences
  • Gisela Milanta National University of La Pampa. Faculty of Veterinary Sciences



Criollo Argentino horse, joint, angle, kinematic


Biokinematic variables of the locomotion of the Criollo Argentino breed of horses, of which there is no specific information. These variables may be used with clinical and physiotherapeutic objectives and in reproduction programmes. 8 Criollo Argentino mares were used in the study. Refractive markers were placed in anatomical sites previously determined. They were made to trot covering a distance of 15 meters on grass guided by hand. Each individual repeated the activity three times, which were recorded on video. The photograms were introduced in the software ImageJ to measure the joint angles of scapular and pelvic inclination, protraction, retraction, extension, flexion and angular amplitude of each joint in the limbs. Simultaneously, the length and number of strides for all limbs and the speed at which they covered 15 meters. The statistical description of variables was carried out. The horses covered the distance in 22.99 sec. at 4.08 m/sec. doing 5.69 strides of a length of 2.66 m. per 0.65 sec.. The protraction and retraction angles were 22.63º and 6.8º; 9.06º and 22.03º for the thoracic
and pelvic limbs. The scapular and pelvic inclination angles were 73.19º-60.79º (12.4º); and 33.11º-26.52º (6,58º). The extension and flexion angles and angular amplitude were: shoulder 12807º-116.93º, 11.13º, elbow 159.85º-144.60º, 15.52º; carpus 175.85º-172.18º, 3.66º, hip 103.38º–86.19º, 17.18º; patella 138.57º-118.56º, 20.01º; tarsus 153.79º–142.85º, 10.94º and thoracic limb fetlock 159.68º-126.89º, 32.79º and pelvic limb fetlock 161.09º-129.68º, 31.41º. The range of retraction-protraction of the limbs contributes to the knowledge of synchronicity of the ipsilateral retraction of the forelimb and the protraction of the hindlimb during trotting. The Criollo Argentino’s performance at trot requires the synchronization of joint extension and flexion whose minimal and maximum variations were registered.


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Author Biographies

Edgardo Verna, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias ( fallecido)

Docente fallecido. Cátedra Tecnica y Patología Quirúrgica de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias.UNLPam

Santiago Andres Audisio, National University of La Pampa. Faculty of Veterinary Sciences

Profesor Adjunto Cátedra Técnica y Patología Quirúrgica. Especialista en Ciencias Clínicas (FAV-UNRC). Doctor en Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Agropecuaria (FAV-UNRC). Área de conocimiento de las afecciones de osteoarticulares y cirugía ortopédica y traumatológica veterinaria

Pablo Guillermo Vaquero, Fa

Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos Cátedra Técnica y Patología Quirúrgica. Especialista en Educación en Cs Veterinarias (FCV-UNLPam), doctorando en Ciencias Veterinarias (FCV-UNLP). Área de conocimiento de las afecciones osteoarticulares y cirugía ortopédica y traumatológica veterinaria


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How to Cite

Verna, E., Audisio, S. A., Vaquero, P. G., Rossetto, L., Arriagada, V., & Milanta, G. (2022). Kinematic aspects of the criollo argentino horse at trot. Ciencia Veterinaria, 24(1), 30–46.



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