Parasitic myelopathy by Gurltia Paralysans

  • Fernando Carlos Pellegrino Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Veternaria



ataxia, myelopathy, paraparesis, cats


Parasitic myelopathy by Gurltia paralysans is, apparently,
a South American disease, but little is known about it. It is
a medullary disorder caused by a parasite that in its adult
form, it is lodged in the spinal veins of cats causing a hemorrhage
by suffusion that compromises the spinal cord in a
variable way.
It has been proposed that domestic cats are accidental
guests, and that small wild cats such as the huiña cat (Felis
guigna) in Chile, or the cat of the pampas (Felis geoffroyi)
in Brazil and Argentina, are the definitive hosts, housing
the parasite in the lung. Cats are likely infected by ingesting
small lizards. The affected animals present typical signs
of chronic myelopathy, with varying degrees of affection,
from ataxia to severe paraparesis, depending on the time
of evolution. The main lesions are between T10 and L2,
with projection up to L5-L6. The affected cats always live
in rural areas, and this parasitosis has not been diagnosed
in any urban area. The diagnosis is based on the clinical
history of slowly progressive chronic myelopathy and the
habitat of sick cats. Recently a PCR technique has been developed
that allows the identification of parasitic DNA in
the CSF of the affected cats. The treatment is based on the
application of ivermectin, and it is most effective if it is implemented


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Author Biography

Fernando Carlos Pellegrino, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Veternaria

Medico Veterinario. - U.B.A. - 1984

Especialista en docencia universitaria con orientación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Biológicas. 1999.
Doctor de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. 2001.

Profesor Titular regular Área Anatomía I y II. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, U.B.A. Obtenido por Concurso Universitario. 10 de junio de de 2005. 

DOCENTE DE MAESTRÍAS Y DOCTORADOS DEL PROGRAMA DE POSGRADOS. Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universidad de la República (UdelaR). Montevideo, Uruguay. Acta 10CP/12.

Socio fundador, Vicepresidente (2009-2011) y Presidente (2011-2013; 2017-2019) de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Neurología Veterinaria.

Socio fundador y Presidente (desde 2010) de la Asociación Argentina de Neurología Veterinaria

Director de Programa de Entrenamiento de  Residencia en Neurología. Diplomatura en Neurología Veterinaria de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad Nacional de la Pampa. Desde 2014.



How to Cite

Pellegrino, F. C. (2017). Parasitic myelopathy by Gurltia Paralysans. Ciencia Veterinaria, 18(2), 54–64.



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