Rediscovering the learning conceptions’ impact on the clases at the University

  • Maria Ema Martin
  • Ariadna Farias


Conceptions, Learning, Professors, University, Class


The learning conceptions explain how persons describe, experience, the learning fenomenous, that are qualitative different. One of the methodological approaches that focus the description and categorization is the phenomenographic one. It is over this that we centre our methodological work. The unit description is the conception.
This paper shows the progress on the categories built about professors’ learning conceptions of the Facultad de CienciasHumanas, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina. They are provisional results of the research2 in which the main goal refers to identify and to inquire
into the learning’s conceptions and the possible influence on learning tasks that students perform. Testimonies from the professors show different ways to conceive and understand learning.


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