Transmedia literacies and constructionism as elements for didactic redesign. A case study in the university context
transmedia literacy, constructionism, reading, narration, media ecologyAbstract
This paper takes as a starting point a diagnosis shared by different authors regarding the decoupling betweenthe media practices of young people inside and outside of educational institutions (Baricco, 2008; Corea & Lewkowickz, 2004; Jenkins, 2008, Scolari, 2018; Serres, 2013). In a second instance it proposes the constructionism of Seymour Papert and the concept of transmedia literacy as a productive tool for understanding and redesigning the didactic in the current ecology of media. Finally, a specific didactic strategy designed under the premise of minimizing these dissonances from the incorporation and expansion of transmedia media literacy is described and analyzed.