English and Comprehensive Sex Education: a teaching proposal

  • Ana Claudia Paez Universidad Nacional de La Pampa




English teaching Comprehensive, Sexual Education Gender transversality


This paper presents the work done in a Research Development scholarship awared at UNLPam to a member of the research project “Student’s autonomy based on alternative materials”. Three didactic units were created to teach the contents prescribed by the Ministry of Education of La Pampa in relation to the grammar taught in third year state High School: present simple and present continuous, simple past and past continuous. Comprehensive Sexual Education was used to teach the lexicon of the language. Apart from the contents proposed in the Curricula, categories such as gender, naturalization, trivialization and stereotype were considered in the topics of different text types such as narrations and descriptions. First, textbooks used in High School were critically analysed and alternative didactic materials were designed taking into account the contents prescribed in the curricula and the experiential culture of the students. Working following this approach allows students to acquire the abilities of the language through tools that allowed to interpellate hegemonic discourses and build relevant knowledge for critical citizenship and to critically reflect upon teaching practices.


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Author Biography

Ana Claudia Paez, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa

Profesora en Inglés, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Especialista en Educación y Nuevas Tecnologías, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos Nivel II Inglés, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Integrantes del Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación para Investigación Interdisciplinaria.

