Micropolitical analysis of the Student and Companion Program implementation. School of Human Science, National University of La Pampa, General Pico. UNLPam (2005-2010)

  • Maximiliano Morales


Public policy, Implementation, Micro political perspective, Student and companion program, Qualitative analysis


This article is presented at the “Becas a las Vocaciones Científicas - Convocatoria 2011” framework, from the National Inter-University Council. Here, by taking the micro political theory as a reference, the implementation of a specific policy called Student and Companion Program from University of La Pampa. It is analyzed from the students´ admission and their stay. The analysis cutback goes from 2005 (year where begun the university’s policy), up to 2010 at the Human Science School (General Pico headquarters) in temporal agreement accordance with the National University of La Pampa’s Strategic Plan and Institutional Development Project; where is prescribed general notes regarding the formulation of the already mentioned University Program.

At first, the question which sustains the document is stated; also some records are recovered in relation with the Programme´s institucionalization process, as well as some theoretical considerations. In second place, the formulation of the Program - as a political field- is described and analyzed, to finally arrive to some conclusions.


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