Specific and unspecific mechanisms of defence, with reference to the mammary gland of dairy cattle

  • Guillermo Esteban Meglia UNLPam
  • Hugo Mata UNLPam


Mammary gland, Mastitis, Peripartum, Specific mechanisms of defence


The immune response against infectious agents involves a complex interaction among different cells types and their produce that culminate with disease resolution or death. Mastitis continues to be a high incidence and costly disease in the dairy industry. The animal susceptibility to the disease changes during the milk production period of the dairy cow, therefore the objective of this review is to describe the immune and non immune mechanisms known so far


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How to Cite

Meglia, G. E., & Mata, H. (2017). Specific and unspecific mechanisms of defence, with reference to the mammary gland of dairy cattle. Ciencia Veterinaria, 3(1), 29–40. Retrieved from https://ojs.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/veterinaria/article/view/1990



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