Polynomial functions, what arises from the product of linear functions?

  • Celeste Ailin Loureyro


polynomials, polynomial functions, mathematical analysis, didactics and publishing, teaching proposal


The main purpose of this paper is to address the fundamentals of polynomial functions and to propose an effective didactic approach for their teaching, based on a detailed analysis of specialized materials on the subject. To achieve this, a review of several books by prominent mathematical authors is carried out, with the aim of extracting precise definitions, practical applications, properties and forms of presentation of polynomial functions. Likewise, a didactic and editorial analysis of mathematics fromdifferent perspectives is carried out, and reference Celeste Ailin Loureyro, Campo de Prácticas, 3 (1), 93-107. ISSN 2718-878795is made to different works that provide relevant information to improve the teaching of these functions. The presentation is completed by a descriptive tour of activities in secondary school classrooms of a work sequence elaborated from that initial study.


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