Philo of Alexandria, the treatise On the Indestructibility of the World, and its relevance as a source of Ancient philosophy


Philo, Platonism, Stoicism


The treatise On the Indestructibility of the World is one of Philo of Alexandria’s key philosophical texts. The way the Alexandrian “does philosophy” is idiosyncratic as an essential part of his method is based on his view that the Old Testament matches with what the Greek philosophers argue. In this paper, I argue that, despite that, Philo’s relevance as a source for the study of ancient philosophy can hardly be overestimated. To show that, I briefly first explain the structure of the treatise; secondly, I focus on the more “philosophical” sections to clarify how Philo incorporates some aspects of Platonism into his project of interpreting the Pentateuch in the light of Greek philosophy, and how, even though he takes distance from and criticizes the Stoics, at the same time he assimilates some terminolo-gical and conceptual details of Stoa as they are functio-nal to his own project.


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Author Biography

Marcelo Boeri, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Profesor titular en el Instituto de Filosofía de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Fue Investigador Independiente del Conicet, Junior Fellow del Center for Hellenic Studies (Harvard University) y Fellow de la John Simon Guggenheim Foundation. Su área de investigación es la historia de la filosofía antigua (con especial énfasis en epistemología, psicología moral y metafísica en Platón, Aristóteles y el helenismo). Entre sus publicaciones recientes cabe mencionar Los Filósofos Estoicos: Ontología, Lógica, Física y Ética (Traducción, comentario filosófico y edición anotada de los principales textos griegos y latinos), Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag 2014 (en co-autoría con R. Salles), “Platonic epistemology and the internalist-externalist debate”, en B. Bossi, T. Robinson (eds.) Plato’s Theaetetus Revisited, Berlin-Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2020, 107-129, “Stoic Epistemology”, en Nicholas D. Smith (ed.) Bloomsbury History of Epistemology. Part I: The Ancients, London-Oxford-New York, Bloomsbury, 2019, 187-203, y Soul and Mind in Greek Thought. Psychological Issues in Plato and Aristotle, Cham (Switzerland), Springer 2018 (co-editado con Yasuhira Y. Kanayama, Jorge Mittelmann).



How to Cite

Boeri, M. (2020). Philo of Alexandria, the treatise On the Indestructibility of the World, and its relevance as a source of Ancient philosophy. Circe De clásicos Y Modernos, 24(2), 13–40. Retrieved from