Evaluation of cardiac insult in steers with different dietary sodic monensin concentration measured thought miocardic kreatin kinaza

  • Ariel Miranda Grupo de Sanidad Animal. EEA INTA Anguil. Ruta Nacional N° 5 km 580, CP 6326, La Pampa, Argentina.
  • Hernán Alfredo Romero Harry Grupo de Sanidad Animal. EEA INTA Anguil. Ruta Nacional N° 5 km 580, CP 6326, La Pampa, Argentina.
  • Oscar Francés UNLPam. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias
  • Virgina Soledad Bermejo Laudecina UNLPam.
  • Luis Gelid Grupo de Sanidad Animal. EEA INTA Anguil. Ruta Nacional N° 5 km 580, CP 6326, La Pampa, Argentina.


feedlot health, monensina, myocardial creatine ki - nase, cardiac damage


The aim of this study was to evaluate a possible myocardial  damage on feedlot steers caused by high doses of monensin (MN). A commercial kit was used to determinate the concentration of myocardial creatine kinase (CK-MB). Four groups of animals were conformed according to the diet MN concentration. G1: Control, without MN, G2: MN Tag dose, 1 mg kg body weight (BW) -1 , G3: MN 5 mg kg BW -1 and G4: MN 10 mg kg BW -1 The cattle were housed in pens for eleven days. Venous blood  samples were taken at 0, 48, 120, 168 and 264 h. Serum CK-MB  concentration was analyzed using descriptive and comparative  statistics analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a significance level  of P<0,05. No CK-MB mean concentration above cut-off level (90  U/l) was recorded throughout the assay for any treatment. The  G1 mean throughout the assay was 47,84 ± 21,28 U/l showing  statistical differences (P<0.05) from 120 h up to the end of the  study, as compared to the others groups. Means of G2, G3 and G4  were 37,31 ± 37,31; 34,09 ± 12,96; 34,62 ± 19,90 U/l, respect tively. This study could not determine heart damage caused by  MN, measured through a commercial kit, despite the widespread  time assessed. The control group had higher CK-MB mean concentration than all others groups, from 48 h until the end of the  study. This result could indicate a possible beneficial and regulatory effect on digestive microflora by the MN antibiotic, resulting in less exposure to bacterial endotoxins


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Author Biographies

Oscar Francés, UNLPam. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias

Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos en Clínica de Animales de Interés Zootécnico con dedicación preferencial en producción de bovinos de carne en feed lot, cirugías, manejo y sanidad orientado a esta categoría animal, además de bovinos de cría. Con especial aplicación de cirugía de Grandes Animales a campo; e investigación del entorno etiopatológico que rodea a esta producción.

Virgina Soledad Bermejo Laudecina, UNLPam.

Becario de grado



How to Cite

Miranda, A., Romero Harry, H. A., Francés, O., Bermejo Laudecina, V. S., & Gelid, L. (2017). Evaluation of cardiac insult in steers with different dietary sodic monensin concentration measured thought miocardic kreatin kinaza. Ciencia Veterinaria, 18(1), 59–66. Retrieved from https://ojs.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/veterinaria/article/view/1902



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