Electrocardiographic veterinary clinic of animals utility in the the companion animals

  • Alberto Ramón Meder UNLPam Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias


The electrocardiography is a diagnostic tool for the veterinary clinic of companion animals. In patients with cardiologic signs is the best non invasive means to evaluate the electric activity of the heart. It allows us to evaluate the present of arrhythmias, the pre-surgical state, assess the anaesthetic risk and check the pharmacologic treatments in cardiac patients amongst other. The objective of the present work was to illustrate the advantage of the electrocardiographic assess in canine and felíne patients, and its limitations and contraindications as well.


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Author Biography

Alberto Ramón Meder, UNLPam Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias

Desarrollo profesionalmente en el área de clínica de pequeños animales y medicina interna de caninos y felinos. Actividad de cardiología veterinaria en forma de especialidad en los ámbitos público y privado. Conocimiento de estudios complementarios de radiología, ecografía, ecocardiografía, electrocardiografía y medición de la presión arterial



How to Cite

Meder, A. R. (2017). Electrocardiographic veterinary clinic of animals utility in the the companion animals. Ciencia Veterinaria, 12(1), 39–43. Retrieved from https://ojs.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/veterinaria/article/view/1872


